Monday, January 9, 2012

Jumping in the deep end....

Hello I am going to just jump into the deep end of the pool here. I can't believe I am going to do this but I have decided it is time to take my life back. I have 3 kids and a husband I need to be around for so I figure there is no time better then NOW to get to where I need to be.

I am tired of being so fat and lazy. I do have some medical issues that need to be dealt with also. That is a whole different story. I have a hard time with doctors and trusting them.

I am the heaviest I have ever been in my life and I just have no energy ever. When I stepped on the scale this morning it inched it's way up to 285 pounds. I have been stuck at this weight give or take 5 pounds for 5 years now. I have started various plans in the past but get so angry because I just don't see any results and it always makes me quit.

I am 5 feet 6 inches tall and am hoping I can get myself down to a healthy 160 pounds. I weighed that 16 years ago when I was pregnant with my oldest.

I am aiming to make this an open book where I have to be accountable. I am going to be upfront and honest as you seen above. I am going to share it all.

January 8, 2012: Joined Planet Fitness gym.
January 9, 2012: Had my first ever work out at a gym. It felt very good. I worked out for about an hour on the bikes, the treadmill and the arch machine. It all felt very good yes I was sore but I felt good.

As far as food goes I am just being aware of what I eat and trying to do lower calorie and lower fat. My struggle is that I normally don't eat. I will normally not get hungry until around 3 in the afternoon and that is when I would eat something. Then I would eat dinner and that would be it for the day. I don't have a very big sweet tooth. That is what gets me is I don't eat much and I don't ever eat dessert I know they always say you have to eat though to loose so that is what I will do.

After coming home from the gym today I made a sandwich of multi-grain thins, turkey, egg, tomato and avocado. A couple hours later I was feeling hungry so I had a SpecialK protein bar. For lunch I had a pouch of tuna mixed with a spoonful of may-o with 16 wheat thins. For dinner I had some pasta with a baked chicken breast and a salad. I did have a dessert tonight because it is one of my favorites. I had a chocolate rice cake with strawberries and chocolate whip cream. I love the the dessert is satisfying and only 100 calories. I have drank well over a gallon of water today also. I seemed to have some pretty good energy all day also. I am hoping this continues.

January 9, 2012 Stats:
285 pounds
size 22W pants
size 3-4X shirt

I am hoping to keep this updated once a week as far as my stats go. I am also going to attach a beginning picture.

Well this will be it for tonight. I will be back to post my daily foods and workouts. I am also going to work on a post about what known medical issues I have and what I think is going on but the doctors won't listen to.

                                                         Right after my first work out.